Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Here's a cool site to further establish that fact. Very science-y.
Link: Powers of 10
Annette, Wednesday, 4-21-04 4:05 PM
I think we should post our score
I think we should all post our scores on the geek test.I scored A 3.9%.It called me a poser.Beth may actually not even register on the scale.
Kyle, Thursday, 4-22-04 10:04 PM
Only Slightly Geeky
For what it's worth, my geek score is 13.60947% - Geekish Tendencies. However, I am certain that this is mainly due to spending too much time around several of you hard-core geeks. You know who you are. Frankly, we all know who you are!
ROUS  Dan Banham, Friday, 4-23-04 2:13 PM
Can someone please post the link to the geek test? I'd like to confirm that I don't stack up to Dave & Annette.
Zach, Friday, 4-23-04 2:15 PM
the link
Link: geek test
ben (just a geek), Friday, 4-23-04 9:47 PM
3.35% I guess I'm not very geeky...maybe I need to seek help in this area...
Stephanie, Monday, 4-26-04 4:34 PM
Me too
I got 4.9%. I was mostly saved by the fact that I don't really watch movies.
Zach, Monday, 4-26-04 6:07 PM
Not so much a geek
5.91716% - Poser
Guess I need to work on it.
Angie, Tuesday, 4-27-04 1:22 PM
Geek Results for Joe and Tauna
20.51282% - Geek - Me
21.10454% - Geek - Joe

ROUS  , Tuesday, 4-27-04 4:05 PM
Annette's score
Retook the test. This is, I am sure, proof enough, Kyle will tell me.
Anyway, I'm right around 23%, in the plain ol' Geek category.
Hey, if I sing Hick music with Zach on Sunday can I subtract a few points?
ROUS  Annette Collins, Wednesday, 4-28-04 12:17 AM
I don't remember exactly what I came up with, but it was 13.something%, probably getting close to 14%. In any event, I came out as having Geekish Tendencies. I think this is an accurate assessment of me. Despite what some think, I didn't cheat. I answered completely honestly.

However, I would be interested in seeing the results of the test as others think I should fill it out.
ROUS  David , Wednesday, 5-5-04 2:12 PM
We have got NOTHING on this guy
He's built and programmed a lego robot to solve a 3x3 Rubix Cube
Link: Lego Robot
ROUS  Annette Collins, Wednesday, 5-5-04 5:57 PM
Richard Geek Score
31.95266% - Total Geek
REN, Sunday, 5-16-04 12:29 AM
Richard signs off as Ren? That should boost his score higher.
Anonymous, Tuesday, 5-18-04 12:06 PM
You See?
At least I come by all of this naturally. It's not my fault! It's in the genes!
ACN, Tuesday, 5-18-04 6:19 PM
> It's not my fault! It's in the genes!
Genes may give you a pre-disposition towards becoming a geek, but there are active steps that you've taken to become a geek. No one would hold your genetics against you, but don't go blaming your parents for your choices.
David, Wednesday, 5-19-04 3:17 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
37.47535% - Major Geek, and not ashamed a bit! (she says as she pushes her glasses back up her nose)
Christina, Tuesday, 11-21-06 6:04 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Wow! You're in second place! You've surpassed my father - only Mark with his > 50% is higher!
Annette, Tuesday, 11-21-06 6:27 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
i find it hard to believe that you and dave aren't geekier than me!
Christina, Tuesday, 11-21-06 11:40 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Wow. You all are committed. This is the biggest response to a discussion that I think I've seen. Good thing I'm in Moldova where anyone who doesn't push the escape button (with force) four hundred times when the computer is not responding quickly enough is considered a geek. I am only an 8.8%. It's not my fault that it's this high. They threw in some language/dictionary questions. What mean-spirited person would do a thing like that?

My greetings from a land deeply in need of geeks. Anyone up for a missions trip?
katy, Monday, 11-27-06 3:28 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
well, it IS on a topic that is near and dear to my heart.
Christina, Tuesday, 11-28-06 1:32 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Grant's Score: 26.23274% - Total Geek
Grant, Sunday, 11-30-08 9:11 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
I'm thinking this means I know waaaaaay to much about Startreck and the SCA and, and, and, well I guess I'll just go configure my MIDI connection and Photoshop my Christmas letter now. :)

25% for me.
ROUS  Debbie Day, Thursday, 12-4-08 4:35 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Bethie here... and I blame most of my geekiness on proximity (I married one)! Not that I mind... I'm 24%. I admit though that none of my points came from the math questions and a lot from sci-fi ones!
ROUS  Beth Borgstede, Wednesday, 5-27-09 1:59 AM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
bOogY's score : 42.01183% - Major Geek

and my percentage seems to be the right answer too :P

(aka stephen)

ROUS  Stephen Borgstede, Wednesday, 5-27-09 2:01 AM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
my Geek score - 21.69625%
~Jeanine... guess I am not too much of a geek after all.
ROUS  Jeanine Selix, Wednesday, 6-3-09 9:28 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Thought I'd retake the test, since things keep seeming to increase for me...
18% - Geek
David, Tuesday, 7-14-09 11:37 AM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
I took the test to make sure this geeky church isn't rubbing off on me. I can confidently sat that it is not because my Geek score is 1.57%.
ROUS  Beth Banham, Monday, 8-10-09 10:44 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
I took the test and was so bored that I couldn't even complete the test. I guess my score is 0.0% for not completing the test.
ROUS  Amy Bowen, Wednesday, 8-12-09 4:35 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
I got 13.6% (Geek), though most of you are much geekier, I see. This is apparently also what Dave got the first time he took the test, which surprised me. Most of score was probably due to the fact that I study way too much on my own time, and had very little to do with any of the sci-fi questions.

Now, if there were only a nerd test...
Alyssa, Thursday, 10-1-09 11:13 PM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Um... I'm not a geek.... I'm too cool to be a geek. never thought i was...dont want to be....but scored 29.3074% on the test. which traslated to "Total Geek" either the test is flawed or i'm in denial. I'm pretty sure the test is flawed. Now I'm gonna go take some I.Q. test on line. my highest score to date is 141. but just because I take I.Q. tests for fun doesn't mean I'm a geek.

Russ Noyes (not kelly) (used her log in cause I dont have one)
ROUS  Kelly Halter, Thursday, 11-5-09 8:38 AM
re: Since we already know Annette is a geek...
Russ, I am torn. In my experience, that test just doesn't lie. It may underestimate the degree to which you are a geek, but it never overestimates!

That said, if you Were a geek, you'd have known - or noticed - a couple of things. (1) You don't have to be logged in to post to the discussion groups! Seriously! And you have NO idea how much spam I have to filter out because of that very fact. (2) You do have a login. Have for ages. Since I am nice, I will e-mail you the password. Again. ;)
ROUS  Annette Collins, Thursday, 11-5-09 9:01 PM
Took the test...
5.5%...Yeah, I didn't understand 1/4 of the questions :-)...I work with computers well, when they have a problem, I have problem!
ROUS  Heather Block, Thursday, 3-25-10 4:39 PM
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