Bus Stop

Actors: 2
Reference: Phillipians 4:6-7
Notes: You will need an experienced actress for the part of "Gertrude" - it's difficult for a non-external-processor to talk that fast!

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Scene: Howard is on the bench reading his Bible.

Gertrude: (Enters from stage right) Gottagetsomerest....Gottagetsomerest....Gottagetso....Whoa! Bus bench! And a dude sittin' on the bus bench. No factor! That's cool! There's still a whole buncha bus bench available for me to sit my tired old self down. How ya doin'? (Howard starts to respond, but is cut off) That's good. Me, I'm kinda tired and needing some rest. You can understand that can't you? I knew you could. Seeing as you're down there at that end of the bench I figure I can, you know, kinda spread out down here at this end 'til my bus comes. Bus number four hasn't come yet, has it?

Howard: No, it's....

Gertrude: Great! That gives me some time to kinda get some rest. That's really important, you know. I mean, I don't know if you can tell, but I'm kinda high strung and in need of some rest. So at any rate, I'll just park it here on this bench. (She sits down) No, that ain’t right. Maybe it would be better if I put my feet up next to me....That's not gonna do it either. What if I turned and faced the other way? Nope, same feeling, different direction. Know what I'm saying there, chief? I know. What if I put my left leg over the back of the bench, and then put my right leg over the back next to my left leg and then leaned back? Hmmm. I'm upside down. Not too comfy there, bud. Okay, how 'bout I lean up against you and swing my feet toward the other end. Dang, your shoulder is rock hard. Maybe I'll swing my feet around the other way and just kinda prop 'em on that book you're reading. By the way, what is that book? You sure seem interested in it.

Howard: It's the Bible. It....

Gertrude: The Bible!?! Great, I've heard that this book will really put me to sleep. Mind if I take a look? Thanks....Hey, what are all those numbers?

Howard: The big numbers are the chapters and the little numbers are the verses.

Gertrude: Oh, okay. So this is the eleventh chapter of Matthew you're reading. How come some of it is written in red?

Howard: That's just there to indicate which words are the ones that Jesus spoke.

Gertrude: Wow! Really? This Jesus guy must be some big muckity-muck for someone to care enough to highlight his words. Tell me about this 28th verse. It says, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy- laden, and I will give you rest." Rest!?! Dude, that's what I'm looking for. Is He saying that if I hang out with Him, I'll get all the sleep I need? That would be cool.

Howard: Actually, no. He is saying, though, that He will give you rest in a much more important way. He is saying that if you come to Him, He will put your soul at peace.

Gertrude: Huh....Even better. So if I'm at peace, does that mean that all my problems just go away? See, cuz I've gotta this mega-Visa bill and I'm....

Howard: No, not exactly. You'll still have your problems, but Jesus gives you the strength to deal with those problems. He gives you a perspective to see what is really important.

Gertrude: Ah, nuts. That's my bus. It's here to take me home so I can get some rest, but this rest you're describing sounds so much better. Ah, forget it. I wanna stay here and find out more about this Jesus dude.

Howard: Actually, that's my bus, too. I'm betting we can find two seats together.

Gertrude: OH! That would be great, cuz if we could find two together, you could tell me more and....(They exit)

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